Proven Test Results


Extensive testing on RAP and RAS has been done for decades by many National Institutions – NCAT, NAPA, Federal Highways, and many others involved in Hot Mix Asphalt mix designs and research.  These tests have shown varying results in asphalt pavement performance from the addition of untreated oxidized bitumen materials present in RAP and RAS. The results often are premature failure of the Hot Mix Asphalt pavement.

Asphaltica, Lakeside Industries, Western Technologies, Petroleum Sciences, and others have tested the ARP (Asphalt Recovery Pellets) for several years and have concluded the treated oxidized material, especially in RAS is vastly improved with benefits exceeding those of other methods. These positive results were shown not only in the finished mixes but the recovered bitumen results as well.

We have a full list of test results available.