Totally New and Improved Methods

Not a grind-up and dump-in process

paving pellets

Asphaltica® approached the decades old problems and failures of recycling asphalt materials with a novel and practical approach: Recycled asphalt material (RAM). Unlike the prior efforts of “grind it up and dump it in” the hot plants with an oil additive we focused on proper recycling of asphalt pavements and roofing shingles. They both contain oxidized bitumen that can be reconstituted if done correctly.

Asphaltica® Paving Pellets solve RAP/RAS hot mix performance issues by engineering the internal components of the pellet and coating them with a protective HL shell allowing needed time to for chemical interactions.

Asphaltica’s multi-year complex and comprehensive project has resulted in a process/product to revitalize the bitumen, add fibers to the hot mix and create a substantially improved hot mix product easily added with existing equipment.

Recycling shingles into roads is not new, we made it better.